Fabulous, but not as fantabulous as the original.
I completely agree with ChemicalReaper, but the reason I'm giving a slightly higher score is a compensation for huge the effort. I had the same problems, but I think the reason the people in this sequel have been made harder to kill is because there were many circumstances in which the people in the first game were a little TOO easy to kill, but they went a bit overboard when I had the little issue of huge chunks of metallic beams crushing a dainty princess but for some reason she still stays all neat and pretty. It looks great, and from a mechanical standpoint, it's a fantastic game, but really doesn't pay much respect to the original, which is quite a sad circumstance. I'm glad that the castle pieces can actually be destroyed now, and the huge number of castle-building possibilities is quite cheerfully large, with the new features letting the castle-building players have a lot more room for creativity. But this is still drowned out by the overdone gameplay, overly beautified scenery, and way too much stuff. Props though, because despite its issues, I do see this as an awesome game, and I also enjoyed browsing through the player-made castles.
One last thing: while reading through ChemicalReaper's review, I was sort of reminded of how Ben Croshaw reviews games on ZP... Lol